IBM Books

Software User's Guide Version 3.4

Configuring Serial Line Interfaces

This chapter describes the interface configuration process for a serial interface and includes the following sections:

IMPORTANT:To configure Frame Relay, PPP, X.25, V.25 bis, V.34, Bisync, SDLC Relay, and SDLC protocols on the serial interface, use the commands in this chapter and then refer to the commands in the chapters that describe the specific protocol.

See Configuring the Network Interface for a table of protocols and the interfaces that support those protocols.

Accessing the Interface Configuration Process

To access the interface configuration process for a serial interface, first access the Config> prompt and issue the command set data-link. Next, at the Config> prompt, enter the interface type and number to access the configuration environment for the interface.

For example, to configure a serial interface for X.25, you must access the X.25 config> environment by issuing the following commands:

Config> set data-link X25 2
Config> network 2

From the X.25 config> environment, you can complete your configuration of X.25 on the serial interface. See Using the X.25 Network Interface.

When you are done configuring the serial interface, enter the restart command after the OPCON prompt (*) and respond yes to the prompt to enable the new configuration.

Clocking and Cable Type

This section applies to all uses of a serial port for: FR, PPP, X.25, SDLC Relay, Bisync, and SDLC.

If a modem or CSU/DSU is attached to the serial port then the router is taking on the DTE role in terms of clocking on the line, so configure a DTE cable type and external clocking.

If you want to attach two routers directly without a modem, CSU/DSU, or modem eliminator, then one of the routers will take on the DCE role in terms of clocking on the line. Connect a direct attach cable to the router that will act as the DCE and configure the following parameters for its serial interface.

  1. A DCE cable type
  2. Internal clocking
  3. The clocking/line speed

The other router will take on the DTE role in terms of clocking and should be configured as if it were attached to a modem or CSU/DSU
Note:Configuring a DTE as opposed to a DCE cable has no impact on whether or not the WAN net handler takes on the peer device. For example, the router always acts as a Frame Relay DTE device and uses a FR UNI interface even when a Frame Relay interface is configured to use a DCE cable.

Network Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command

While serial line interfaces do not have their own console process for monitoring purposes, routers can display complete statistics for all installed network interfaces when you use the interface command from the GWCON environment. For more information on the interface command and displaying statistics, see "The Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands".

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